Portrait of Anita Ramirez in Black

by: Emilee Carratala and Miriam Fried

We described what we saw in the painting, discussed the historical context, and asked questions which we attempted to answer. We also discussed the difference between this painting and others from its time and we explored the artist's intention behind the piece.
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Macaulay Night at the Museum: featuring “The Road of the War Prisoners”

by: Donna, Adina, Jimmy, Nazija, Kimberley, Oksha

Levels of Analysis Discussed: Description, Interrogation, Subject Matter of the Piece, Historical Context, Artist's Intention, Observers' Interpretations
Levels of Analysis Neglected: Formal Properties (addressed in captions in the video)
If I had more time, I would have liked to add classical music for the slides that have no associated audio.
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