Tag Archives: art

Two Ivans and Oksana

by: David Sasson, Aaron Agarunov, Pauline Margulis http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/mediaarts/files/gravity_forms/9-fc3d6cae33936728c6f74429c844aef2/2013/10/Two-Ivans-and-Oksana.m4v At the Night at the Museum, we decided to analyze Viola Pushkarova’s “Two Ivans and Oksana.” We discussed how the artist depicted the challenges that were faced in a typical family during … Continue reading

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My Children

by: Hyeok Jung Kim, Samantha Chiu, Michelle Coleman, Jonathan William Parecki http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/mediaarts/files/gravity_forms/9-fc3d6cae33936728c6f74429c844aef2/2013/10/My-Children.m4v The experience was a really great chance to bond with fellow Macaulay students as well as look at art in ways that we have not looked at before. … Continue reading

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Ivan Mestrovic by Malvina Hoffman

by: Eric Lau, Yasmin Jones, Norine Chan, Sreshta Paranji http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/mediaarts/files/gravity_forms/9-fc3d6cae33936728c6f74429c844aef2/2013/10/Night-at-Museum-NorineYasminSreshtaEric.m4v Our visit to the Brooklyn Museum was quite an eye-opening experience. For the majority of our group, who had never been to this museum, and even for those who had … Continue reading

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Web of Life – John Biggers

by: Nicolette Belitsis, Kara Criscione, Diana Perlov, Adona Pjetergjoka http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/mediaarts/files/gravity_forms/9-fc3d6cae33936728c6f74429c844aef2/2013/10/Web-Of-Life-Recorder-084.m4v We learned that critiquing art is actually very difficult, and requires a lot of background knowledge. Although we had minimal art knowledge, we still found the experience enlightening. Without being … Continue reading

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Night at the Brooklyn Museum

by: Reylyn Roldan, Samantha Ong, Abhishek Samdaria, Sara Louie http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/mediaarts/files/gravity_forms/9-fc3d6cae33936728c6f74429c844aef2/2013/09/My-First-Project5.m4v Things aren’t as easy as they seem. The early bird gets the worm. It was a learning experience, we learned how to analyze art according to our perspectives and senses.

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by: Saranya Radhakrishnan, Joanne Ramadani, Oneeka Khan, Esther Mathieu http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/mediaarts/files/gravity_forms/9-fc3d6cae33936728c6f74429c844aef2/2013/09/Diana.m4v Even though a piece of art appears simple, once it’s analyzed and observed, it is found that a lot can be said about the piece itself.

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Model T Headquarters

by: Naomi Gaggi, Sahan Ratnayake, Monika Devi http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/mediaarts/files/gravity_forms/9-fc3d6cae33936728c6f74429c844aef2/2013/09/andrew-moore.m4v We enjoyed the interaction of art between our peers and getting to know everyone from different campuses.

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Night At The Museum 2013

by: John C. DeFilippo, Maria Katija Grbic, Kirsten E. Paulson, Antonio Lorenzo Femia http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/mediaarts/files/gravity_forms/9-fc3d6cae33936728c6f74429c844aef2/2013/09/Night-At-The-Museum.m4v It was very wonderful and interesting. It was very cool to try to interpret the art and the meanings behind it with our fellow classmates. We … Continue reading

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Nude with Apple

by: JanYing He, Donald Fung, Nursultan Djamalidinov, Cheng Dong, Christian Budhi http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/mediaarts/files/gravity_forms/9-fc3d6cae33936728c6f74429c844aef2/2013/09/Nude-Lady.m4v It was a very interesting experience since we’ve never done something like this before. It gave us a new insight on our view of art because we took … Continue reading

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In Danger

by: Dillon Scibelli, Ikramullah Khan, Thomas Viskoc, Drew Podgorski http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/mediaarts/files/gravity_forms/9-fc3d6cae33936728c6f74429c844aef2/2013/09/MuseumMediaArts.m4v It was a unique experience. The variety of ideas that we were able to expose from one painting was amazing.

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