Who We Are

Hello! My name is Angela, and I was born in Kansas City, Kansas. Growing up I moved a lot, so I don’t really identify myself with a particular state, even though I lived in New York for the longest time. I have too many different interests and attending college in NYC definitely has not helped me narrow down my interests. In high school wood working and ceramics were among some of favorite hobbies. But recently, I’ve been very fascinated by start-ups and entrepreneurship. With my free time I try to upcycle clothing, which is basically taking old clothing and making it into something higher quality.

Mi Casa Es Tu Casa is a relatively small, family owned, Colombian restaurant that is just a couple blocks from the apartment I used to live in. Most people don’t even see it when they are walking down the street, which is why I am always excited to introduce the restaurant to my friends. I love going to this restaurant because they serve extremely tasty and cheap food. I can get 2 empanadas and unlimited amounts of their special green hot sauce for just 3 dollars. It is right across the street from the library and Starbucks in town, so whenever I need to grab lunch or a quick snack after a long studying session, I would only have to walk 2 minutes to have my appetite satiated. 

The ambience of the restaurant is very warm and welcoming. The storefront has glass panels which invites people, who are passing by, to glance inside. The store’s name is printed on a faded red awning and the door always has the classic open/close sign suctioned on. When I walk in, there are several tables to eat at and the smell of fried comfort food permeates the air. I actually love that the store is sparsely decorates with a couple pieces of Colombian artwork because it gives the restaurant a homey and casual feel. I walk right up to the register to order, and when my dish is ready, the lady upfront calls out my order. While I’m eating, the news is typically being played in Spanish on two televisions. Most of the people who come to eat also speak Spanish, so over the years I have come to assume that the food is pretty authentic.

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