This is Who I Am

Sammy’s Halal Cart


Your stomach is grumbling. It’s gloomy outside and you don’t really feel like going out of your way to travel far for luxurious food. You live in New York City and your wallet is starving again. Ordering food online or through the phone is off the list – you don’t want to calculate the tip, risk ordering something you won’t like, or have to wait for whoever knows how long. Whatever the situation you’re in, the local NYC Halal Food Carts are always there for you. Situated every few blocks and selling decent food that will fill you up at an adequate price, NYC Halal Food Carts have become a favorite of many New Yorkers today. With a great many carts to choose from throughout the city comes a different type of flavors brought along by relatively similar ingredients. There’s the well-known Halal Guys located in Midtown, Manhattan and there’s also the lesser-known Habibi’s Halal located near the 23rd St. 6-train that I pass every time I travel to Hunter College from the Brookdale dorms. Nevertheless, my favorite cart will always be Sammy’s Halal Cart.

Sammy’s Halal Cart claims its place a block away from the popular Roosevelt Ave subway station in the heart of Jackson Heights.  For only $5, the food that Sammy offers is a bang for your buck. His food may as well be the best ‘Halal’ I’ve had the pleasure of trying. It tastes fantastic and is completely deserving of the many many ‘Vendy Awards’ that it has received over many years. It’s hard to find any bad reviews on it online. According to a review written by Raphael Orlove, “The chicken is so soft it shreds as you mix all the sauces together. The rice is the best I’ve ever had out of a cart. It’s simple, cheap, and fast, but it’s not greasy, all the ingredients seem fresh, and it’s delicious. Sammy’s approaches perfection.”  While he has increased his price to $7 over the years due to his popularity, I know I can still turn to him for reliable good food whenever I am in the area.


Afroza Ahmed

Jackson Heights


My name is Afroza Ahmed and I live in Jackson Heights, New York. I graduated from The Bronx High School of Science last year and am currently hoping to major in Biochemistry with a concentration on Behavior Neuroscience and a minor in Studio Arts. I took Sociology during the winter semester, which I loved, and expect this class to be very similar to it. I teach SAT on the weekends, I can lick the tip of my nose, I can recite 300+ digits of pi by heart, and I enjoy drawing and reading in my free time.


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