Research Resources

Research Resources

Numbers, Stats, Etc:

Social Explorer

  • Social explorer allows you to make charts and maps with Census and American Community Survey (5 year) data.
  • Compare years, regions, etc.
  • Accessing Social Explorer through Hunter College will allow you greater functionality of use, and you can upgrade your membership so you can continue to use these upgraded functions at home.


US Census – American Fact Finder

  • The US Census tool for exploring census data.
  • Similar content to Social Explorer and Infoshare, plus some additional economic data – such as Economic Census 2012
  • Info on Census historical data

NYC OASIS (Open Accessible Space Information System)

  • Shows NYC land use data in map form, including historical data. 

And more data…

Digital Archives


Digital Public Library of America, a collection of 8 million+ digitized resources from public libraries across America. Rights to reuse and cite materials will vary by item, but can be found in the catalog description of the item.

Oral History

NYPL Oral History Archive




Maps and Buildings Research:

NYPL Map Warper, an online collection of New York Public Library’s public domain maps

NYC Interactive Maps, A list of links from the NYPL for other digital resources providing information on NYC maps

NYC Fire Insurance, Topographic and Property Maps, Maps from the NYPL from the mid nineteenth century through the first half of the twentieth century

Map of Building Dates in NYC This map provides a visual representation of the date of construction of every building in NYC. It may not be exact for the building, but can help you figure out the general neighborhood history!

City Realty Neighborhood Stats Real estate prices for some neighborhoods, including maps & graphs over time

Brooklyn Library Introduction to Buildings Research

NYPL Guide to Researching Your Home’s History (or any other building)

Digital Tax Map:

Old NYC interactive map (drawing on several of these resources):

One Model of a Digital Micro-History Project — Green Street Project: Long History of a Short Block

In Person Archives

Some have digital collections as well

Research Guides


About Christina Nadler

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