Monthly Archives: April 2017

Social Explorer Workshop

The Right to Stay Put, Revisited: Gentrification and Resistance to Displacement in New York City PDF of Full Article by Kathe Newman and Elvin K. Wyly Summary. Displacement has been at the centre of heated analytical and political debates over … Continue reading

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What is “American” Cuisine?

It’s really strange to imagine the restrictions on food described in the Gabbacia reading during the period 1870 to 1900 being implemented on foreign cuisines today. Food is such a rich part of America now. There’s countless of cooking shows … Continue reading

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Is There Even One Definition for American Food?

America can not have an official cuisine just like they can not have an official language. Food is too intertwined in culture, ethnicity, and history to ever truly be  standardized. The gradual demise of Native American culture by the hands … Continue reading

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“American” Food

Although many people will not consider burgers and pizza “American”, I feel that they are indeed, American. The main reason that many people do not acknowledge these “foreign” foods as American is that they were not first produced and widely … Continue reading

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Your Story, Our Story Polina Safovich

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Week 9 Reading Response

Many people would say there isn’t a specific food that could be categorized as “American cuisine” by I would disagree. There’s certain regions in the United States that have so much cultural diversity that the norm seems like the various … Continue reading

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“American Food” and where to find it

In “Food Fights and American Values,” Gabbacia elaborates on how ethnic food was accepted as part of the American diet. I would argue that “American” food is metamorphosing continuously. Americans came from calling American food corn to baked beans to … Continue reading

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“American” Food

Food is a common factor known to all cultures and customs. Whether it be a small gathering or a personal meal, food is a mutual theme in expressing the culture of a society. Foreign cultures have specific dishes that are … Continue reading

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What Is “American” Food?

Nowadays, when some people hear “American food,” they automatically think of hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, fries, and generally, fast foods. This is essentially due to the media and how they represent American food. I remember when I visited some of … Continue reading

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Russ and Daughters

I walked down East Houston Street on the Lower East Side on a chilly and dreary afternoon, scouring the neighborhood for a business where I could do my second interview after being turned down at three places. I then stumbled upon this … Continue reading

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