Storefront Survivors / Raw Materials

Title:  Grandpop’s Mom and Pop

A Store That Once Was




Owners biography

Ralph’s → grandpa named it after himself to take ownership of it

Chambers street store — 1968 rented the store

Building – two different stores and broke wall to make it one.

1980 bought the building

5 story building – main floor basement and the sub basement

Offices in the second floor

Commercial businesses on the higher floor and later tenants


After he bought building he was able to buy tenets out and used top floors for storage

1990 – he bought the leases of the 4 adjacent stores and expanded his store eventually bought those stores. Retail stores – candy store electronic


Adress – 95 and 97 chambers


  • He lived almost his whole life in brooklyn and then new jersey – commuted everyday from new jersey.
  • Had 20 stores at one time all in the united states
  • Born in new york manhattan his parents born in syria
  • He worked for people including his brother who owned retail stores gained experienced and then opened his own
  • His strategy would be to look for busy areas he would count the number of people in the area
  • He would stand on the street with a clicker and would click as each person would walk by
  • Had stores in other  country and would travel to stores — would come in everyday — he would do the buying and merchandising he would supervise the staff and do payrolls and would work the cashregesters
  • Customers knew him by face
  • He felt like he was serving the community and supporting his family



  • Opened on chambers street for over 40 years
  • Sold the property → timing was right
  • Still had other stores active
  • Buffalo rochester pittsburgh pennsylvania
  • Approximately 50 employers  just on chambers street – including family members
  • Esther mordie and eddie
  • Buyer merchandiser – grandpa taught first hand organized the staff manager
  • Description sold many of his stores to right aid and rite aid kept almost all of his procedures and products – discount store

“Great variety and very competitive prices”  – customers were able to get continuity from us able to get what they needed


  • A lot of the customers were state and federal workers and a good majority of them were minorities a lot of them were african american
  • Older people 40’s and up
  • n=on the block of city hall → brought tremendous amount of people in the area
  • Had yogurt shop in the store, photo processing, coffee shop, pharmasies – uunder ralphs brand ( wasn’t franchise)
  • At one time we were the largest one store for selling cigarettes in manhattan → quantity sold the most cigarettes
  • Moral issue stopped selling cigarettes
  • Over those 40 years the offices in the area changed to apartments so the area wasn’t as busy
  • Instead of having  20 people in an office you had two people in an apartment


Good thing about doing business on this block → busy block that was centrally located – easy to get to through all means of transportation

Bad – there was a lot of crime in the area → business was slower on weekends bc the office workers were off

Chambers street most successful of all the stores


How did he keep business going?


Became very hard to receive merchandise because of the congestion in theh streets – we couldnt get trucks to park near the store – they zonned the parking → only parking for polixe vehcles had trouble getting our shipments


Became harder to do business as a small retailer because a lot of the major companies would only sell truck loads and would only sell to the big retailers

Became hard to compete with duane reade walgreens cvs and walgreens – they were all around us there were two duane reade within blocks of us and a right aid that opened a block away


Grandpa was always happy to compete → he owned the property that would keep his cost down and if he had to pay a little more for the merchandise he would still sell it at cheep and make a living

Margin and cost would be smaller bc of rent


Very good relationship with landlord – always paid his rent on time and eventually the landlords sold the buildings to him


Very americanized – served in the military during word war two


Did Not participate in merchants associations –”> liked to do things on his own


  • Business did not participate in any community orginization but very helpful to people who would want to poen stores they would ask his advce  on where to open strores
  • Poeple who opened duan reeds worked for him
  • Governement agencies –


Looking back: retail is a dying business it is being taken over by the internet

“Retail will one day be a thing of the past – or be very specialized”

Retails is one of hardest – cant imagine it still being open today and doing just as well for the many reasons that chambers is no longer a popular locatio as it was and people are buying less things in stores


If there was still a lot of offices.


At on time his store was

“Raphls owns chamber street”  – wasnt literally true but most people felt that way


After we had closed we learned that  his store front was on the cover and he was very proud about that


Always bussines hardest working man i had ever known


As son of the owner i felt great pride in what we accomplish but it was time consuming and i felt releievd when we closed it.


It kept me open to all possibilities in regards to always changinging

Carry one thing tody carry a different tinh tomrrow

Change as things around you change

Can’t become complacent or you will get left behind.



“He would stand on the street with a clicker and would click as each person would walk by” – strategy for opening his business 

“Instead of having 20 people in an office we had two people in an apartment,” – why business slowed down 

“Being on Chamber street was great, it was a busy block that was centrally located and was easy to get to through all means of transportation. However there was a lot of crime in that area  and business was slower on weekends because the office workers were off.” – addresses the area




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