Storefront Survivors / Raw Materials: Court Pastry Shop: Rafa and Joanne

Possible Titles:

Court Pastry Shop: A bakery frozen in time

Court Pastry Shop: A bakery serving up such traditional Italian sweets, it’ll be a blast from the past

Featured image:

Pulled Quotes:

“At the end of the day, we are just a small mom and pop shop that helps the community out”

where do you see this business 10 or 20 years from now – “hopefully still here” *laughs* “like you said, the neighborhood is changing and rent is going up…”

“I like that when people come in and they are in the 40s and 50s and they’re like “oh I remember when my dad used to bring me here and buy an ice or a cookie” – nothing has really changed, we just provide that memory to people”

“everything in here is handmade – the cannolis, we have to stretch them out one by one. Some people use cookie cutters, but not us, we roll them out.”

“We try to use very natural ingredients and we try to get things to go back to the way it tastes now to the same way it tasted in 1948”

“before it used to be an Italian American community but little by little it started becoming a more diverse group”

Additional Images:

bakery interview:


bodega interview materials:

bodega 1 transcript:notes

kahlua’s cafe:


frame shop:


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