nativists and immigrants

The Astor Place Riots is regarded as the first real clash between urban immigrants and the so called nativists, an anti-immigrant group known as the American Party. In 1830-1860 there was a wave of Irish and German Catholic immigration into America – which prompted the anti-immigration movement. The nativists viewed the Immigrants as a threat to Protestant values. The Democrats were perceived as having a corrupt influence on American cities and they exerted their control though Irish American Gangs. These gang  operated out of grog shops and saloons.

The anti-immigrants created “blue laws” which interfered withIrish and German saloons and the selling of alcohol –  they wanted to hurt their business and prevent them from being successful while ultimately suppressing their lifestyle and culture. Alcohol was a big deal to both Irish and German Immigrants despite the fact that the two drank differently – typically Germans would drink lager beer and it would be accompanied by music or bowling.  For Germans it was more of a family activity – even the babies drank the beer. Whereas the Irish would drink standing at a rail in a saloon. However, nonetheless, alcohol was a big part of these immigrants lives and the nativist was trying to take that away from them.


This incident only caused a greater divide between the anti- immigrants  ( Nativists) and the immigrants. The Nativists eventually teamed up with with the Bowery Boys and the immigrants teamed up with with the Dead Rabbits –  both the Bowery Boys and the Dead Rabbits were two of the most powerful gangs in New York City. As animosity and hostility grew between these groups violence followed. People began to to ambush taverns and assault one another. Fighting soon escalated into a full on riot between the These two gangs.

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