Author Archives: airmarches

Reading Response – Ariane Marchese

Out of the three reading, Berger’s work resonated with me more than the other two. Mehta also had some passages that also rang true to me. However, I found Ellick’s to be the least relatable to my own experiences in … Continue reading

Posted in Week 3: Describing Diversity | Leave a comment

Zukin Vs. Oldenburg – Ariane Marchese

  It’s contradictory how Zukin says that cities are defined by change but the people who stay the longest in the city gives it character. I view character as one’s uniqueness and virtue. Thus, I find it strange how she … Continue reading

Posted in Week 2: The Endangered Enclave | Leave a comment

Who We Are: Ariane Marchese

Greetings! I’m Ariane Marchese from Bayside, Queens. I’m a Cuban Chinese mix and I’m a Physics major. When I’m not in school I’m Starleeter. As Starleeter, I voice-act for video games and animations and make translyrics for Asian music so … Continue reading

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