Author Archives: nsilversmith

Storefront Survivors – Draft

Problems uploading audio for interview with Thyme Natural Market     Oral History 1: Li-Lac Interview Transcription Noah: So, can you first just tell us your name? Elena: It’s Elena. N: Elena? So how long have you been working in … Continue reading

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Looking Forward, Looking Back

Thyme Natural Market, formerly named Linda’s Organic Kitchen, is a health food and vitamin store that was established in 2010. The takeover occurred in 2009 when the owner of Linda’s Organic Kitchen left the business to her loyal customer/employee Nathalie … Continue reading

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Oral History 2 – Thyme Natural Market

I’m back and a wave of nostalgia passes over as I walk down Lefferts Blvd in Kew Gardens, Queens. It’s just beginning to feel warm too, as spring has just arrived and I look down at the shops I’ve known … Continue reading

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Zooming In, Zooming Out

Thyme Natural Market is located on 8122 Lefferts Blvd in Kew Gardens. In examining the neighborhood, I examined demographic data from the last five years and census data from 1980. In both cases, I looked at tracts 134, 136, 138, … Continue reading

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Response to Willet’s Point

It is understandable that the Bloomberg administration wished to renew Willet’s point. After all, it was dirty and filled with crime. However, to uproot the current business owners only to replace them with new ones only improves the land itself … Continue reading

Posted in Week 9: Americanization, Multiculturalism, and the Food Cart | Leave a comment

Food Fight

To sufficiently categorize a food as “American”, one must not only examine the ingredients of the dish, but its place in contemporary culture. Gabaccia notes the increasing acceptance of foreign foods as they were integrated into traditional American diets and … Continue reading

Posted in Food, Week 9: Americanization, Multiculturalism, and the Food Cart | Leave a comment

Your Story, Our Story – Li-lac’s chocolate tins

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Oral History 1

The air bit and tore, eating at the cold tears in our eyes while meandering about the West Village. Feet heavy, Chloe and I were laden with the task of searching for our next interviewee. We cut through record stores, … Continue reading

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Dead Rabbits

The Dead Rabbits riot resulted from tension between two ideological groups, the Nativists and the urban immigrants. The riot itself stemmed from the conflict between two gangs, the Bowery Boys and the Dead Rabbits. The Bowery Boys were composed of … Continue reading

Posted in Week 6: Ethnic Conflict and the Irish Saloon | Leave a comment

Response to American Assimilation

While music and film frequently reappropriate and repackage ethnic culture into a more mainstream or “Anglo” accessible form, oftentimes it is fashion that most explicitly packages these cultures into a commercially viable product and a safe way of presenting trends … Continue reading

Posted in Week 4: Sweatshop Assimilation in the Jewish Lower East Side | Leave a comment