Author Archives: Rafa Sattar

The “Impenetrable” Refuge

Ellick failed to truly immerse himself within the ethnic enclave of Jackson Heights. Nonetheless, he could have been more successful if he had visited the city with friends who possessed well-grounded connections within the city to act as his guide. … Continue reading

Posted in Week 3: Describing Diversity | Leave a comment

Who We Are

Hi! My name is Rafa. I’m from Jamaica Estates in Queens. My parents are originally from Bangladesh. As of now, I’m undeclared, but I’m leaning toward the pre-law track. I’m a baking fanatic, but cleaning up afterwards deters me from … Continue reading

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Third Place Bubbles

Third places are a hallmark of immigrant communities within the United States, but frequenting third places as often as Oldenburg describes can be adverse to an immigrant’s ability to embrace the varied customs of American society. For instance, Oldenburg underscores … Continue reading

Posted in Week 2: The Endangered Enclave | Leave a comment