Category Archives: Food

Food Fight

To sufficiently categorize a food as “American”, one must not only examine the ingredients of the dish, but its place in contemporary culture. Gabaccia notes the increasing acceptance of foreign foods as they were integrated into traditional American diets and … Continue reading

Posted in Food, Week 9: Americanization, Multiculturalism, and the Food Cart | Leave a comment

Deli & Grocery

Amanda and I approach a deli plastered with an overwhelming number of pictures of typical deli foods like sandwiches and burgers. The glass windows are so full of these images that I can barely see what is going on inside … Continue reading

Posted in Food, Oral History #2 | Leave a comment


It was freezing on March 5th in Brooklyn, and after walking to restaurant to restaurant and being turned down for interviews one after the other, my partner Amanda and I were ecstatic even when one restaurant’s employee told us to … Continue reading

Posted in Food, Oral History #1, People, Places | Leave a comment

Who is Joanne?

Hi, I’m Joanne Rodriguez and I LOVE baking, art, and music. I’m from a tight-knit Puerto Rican and Honduran family that does everything together. My favorite music genre is rap and I play a nonstop loop of Lil Yachty, Beyoncé, … Continue reading

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Who We Are

Hello! My name is Angela, and I was born in Kansas City, Kansas. Growing up I moved a lot, so I don’t really identify myself with a particular state, even though I lived in New York for the longest time. … Continue reading

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