Category Archives: People

Not Just for the Homesick: Miss Korea

When most people think of K-town, they usually think of cheap or fairly priced eateries, shops, and services. However, K-town also boasts self-indulgent, almost luxury dining and products along its street at a slightly higher price point than K-town’s cafeterias … Continue reading

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It was freezing on March 5th in Brooklyn, and after walking to restaurant to restaurant and being turned down for interviews one after the other, my partner Amanda and I were ecstatic even when one restaurant’s employee told us to … Continue reading

Posted in Food, Oral History #1, People, Places | Leave a comment

Trying to Evaluate the Dead Rabbit Riot

           The Dead Rabbit Riot was confusing for me to understand, as its cause stemmed from several conflicts between different groups of people. It was hard to keep track of who supported who and who was … Continue reading

Posted in People, Places, Week 6: Ethnic Conflict and the Irish Saloon | Leave a comment

The Sadness of Assimilation

               The danger of substantial assimilation into American culture is the feeling of loss when trying to identify with any one part of your heritage. When you pull yourself in too many directions, you … Continue reading

Posted in People, Week 4: Sweatshop Assimilation in the Jewish Lower East Side | Leave a comment

Course Schedule

Week 1: Introduction (Feb. 1)          In Class: Introduction to course Introduction to research project (Storefront Survivors) Introduce ITFs. Week 2: The Endangered Enclave (Feb. 8)  In Class: My Brooklyn screening Readings: Oldenburg, Ray (1989). Excerpts from “Characteristics of Third Places” in The … Continue reading

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