Category Archives: Week 2: The Endangered Enclave

What Defines a City?

Visitors or inhabitants of New York City are greeted with the same sights upon entering the City: the sound of traffic caused by the enormous volume of cars, the number of people scurrying to their destinations, and the light bouncing … Continue reading

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Small Businesses and Globalization

We have all heard about the dichotomy of globalization and isolationism, especially in the context of Brexit, the U.S. presidential election and upcoming elections in European countries.  Many disenfranchised working-class people in the Western world feel left out of the … Continue reading

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Neighborhoods and Diversity

  Throughout my lifetime, I never payed much attention to businesses and third places – as Oldenburg would refer to them. This may be because I grew up in a very secluded, Jewish community, where there wasn’t much encounter with … Continue reading

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Week 2: The Endangered Enclave

Small, independently owned businesses are being threatened by the rise of chain stores, by gentrification, and with the lack of protective laws and policies. A force that particularly resonated with me was mentioned in Benediktsson’s “The real small business killer.” … Continue reading

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“All the Third Places You’ll Go” – Week 2:The Endangered Enclave

The gentrification of neighborhoods strips ethnic communities of identity and culture due to rising rent and corporations taking over the area in response to a new population of people. Small businesses, such as restaurants,delis, or mom-and-pop shops are constantly threatened … Continue reading

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Week 2: The Endangered Enclave

As I was reading Oldenburg’s description about a “third place”, a specific donut shop in my neighborhood popped into my head. It’s called “Shaikh’s Place/Donut Shoppe” that’s known for its homemade donuts, but also recognized for its great Mexican food. … Continue reading

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The Endangered Enclave

After reading Oldenburg’s article, I was reminded of my childhood memory when I went to a local park called Peck Park almost every week during the summer. I believe that this park is a third place because it brings people … Continue reading

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