Category Archives: Week 9: Americanization, Multiculturalism, and the Food Cart

It doesn’t have to be “American” to be American / Item

Often when people categorize foods as “American”, they include foods that have been part of American history since its beginning. Foods such as oatmeal, cornflake cereal, and apple pie are just some foods that fit into such a category. When … Continue reading

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Food Fights and American Values

Milk has long held a venerated role in American cuisine; establishing its medicinal value has long been used as a means to establish the superiority of American culture and substantiate the need for cultural assimilation. Interestingly, while domestic scientists condemned … Continue reading

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What makes a given food “American”?

I think for a food to be considered American, it should be widely consumed by the country as well as invented in the country. When I think of American food, I think of packaged food. I think of a big … Continue reading

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American Food is Every Food

I don’t really understand how there can be a specific types of food classified as American. Before reading the Gabaccia article, my thoughts of American food immediately went to hot dogs, cheeseburgers and fries. Yet, as I read on how … Continue reading

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What is “American” Cuisine?

The discussion between what is “American” food has been a debate that my parents and I have had years. When I am with my family, “American” food is classified as anything that did not originate from India and was not … Continue reading

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Week 9 reading response

As a child, I had the vague idea that a typical “real” American diet consisted of cereal for breakfast, pre-packaged snacks (think Lunchables or goldfish crackers) for lunch, and frozen TV dinners. Most decidedly American foods that come to mind … Continue reading

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What is “American” Cuisine?

It’s really strange to imagine the restrictions on food described in the Gabbacia reading during the period 1870 to 1900 being implemented on foreign cuisines today. Food is such a rich part of America now. There’s countless of cooking shows … Continue reading

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“American” Food

Although many people will not consider burgers and pizza “American”, I feel that they are indeed, American. The main reason that many people do not acknowledge these “foreign” foods as American is that they were not first produced and widely … Continue reading

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Week 9 Reading Response

Many people would say there isn’t a specific food that could be categorized as “American cuisine” by I would disagree. There’s certain regions in the United States that have so much cultural diversity that the norm seems like the various … Continue reading

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“American Food” and where to find it

In “Food Fights and American Values,” Gabbacia elaborates on how ethnic food was accepted as part of the American diet. I would argue that “American” food is metamorphosing continuously. Americans came from calling American food corn to baked beans to … Continue reading

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