Category Archives: Week 9: Americanization, Multiculturalism, and the Food Cart

“American” Food

Food is a common factor known to all cultures and customs. Whether it be a small gathering or a personal meal, food is a mutual theme in expressing the culture of a society. Foreign cultures have specific dishes that are … Continue reading

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What Is “American” Food?

Nowadays, when some people hear “American food,” they automatically think of hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, fries, and generally, fast foods. This is essentially due to the media and how they represent American food. I remember when I visited some of … Continue reading

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Reading Response (Ariane Marchese)

Gabbacia’s writing describes the history and the evolution of food and what people believe we should eat in America. With that in mind, America is a country of immigrants and to exclude their dishes, as native born Americans did in … Continue reading

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