That Time My Bestie, Drew Barrymore, and I Saw The Humans

The Humans was haunting and a beautifully done play. The acting was superb in many places throughout. I especially loved the natural pauses and overlaps in conversation— a job well done by the actors and playwright. I applauded the way the roles were approached by the actors and especially appreciated Lauren Klein as the grandmother…

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Bach is Back: A Review of Angela Hewitt’s Recital of The Art of Fugue

Angela Hewitt’s performance was a delightful presentation of Johann Sebastian Bach’s The Art of Fugue. Hewitt masterfully set up the night with a wonderful introduction, in which she attempted to simplify the complex arrangement of the performance. Her personality radiated throughout the short presentation, and continued to highlight the music through the night. Hewitt displayed…

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Goldfish Are People Too

They say that the average human’s attention span is that of eight seconds, one second less than that of a goldfish. As an ill-focused member of a society that does little to discourage increasingly digitalized lifestyles, I was saddened to discover that I was no exception to this seemingly exaggerated fact. I am a goldfish….

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