Pro-Development Upstate Stakeholder

Upstate New Yorkers should have the right to use the natural resources they have for economic development. Hydraulic fracturing is one way they can do this.

Hydraulic fracturing, or hydro-fracking, is a process that extracts natural gas from shale formations. Water mixed with sand and a small amount of chemicals is pumped into the shale formation. The pressure from pumping this mixture into the shale formation creates fractures. These fractures allow for the release of natural gas from the shale formation. This natural gas can provide an economic boost to the regions where it can be obtained through this process.

In regions with shale formations, hydraulic fracturing can be extremely beneficial to the economy. Natural gas is very valuable and our country currently imports much of its gas from other countries. Utilizing the natural gas that exists in our own shale formations would allow the communities of Upstate New York and other regions with shale formations to grow and develop. These regions could profit from fulfilling the country’s energy needs instead of allowing those profits to go to another country.

Upstate New York is located on the Marcellus Shale, which could boost the economy of the region, creating jobs and making it a valuable source of energy for the country. It has been estimated that the value of the natural gas from the Marcellus Shale could be up to two trillion dollars. That would greatly help development of this region that needs it.

There are environmental concerns regarding hydraulic fracturing. The chemicals used in the process may be harmful and there is a risk that they may contaminate the water supply. However, these risks can be minimized and the benefits are so great that a large number of people support hydraulic fracturing. One of the biggest problems with hydraulic fracturing in the past was a lack of regulation. Hydraulic fracturing companies failed to follow regulations such as Safe Drinking Water Act and they were able to get away with it. As a result, in certain places where hydraulic fracturing was taking place, the water was contaminated and it was unsafe for people living there to drink water from their sinks.

These types of environmental issues have given hydraulic fracturing a bad reputation. This has led many people to support a ban on hydraulic fracturing. Banning hydraulic fracturing would mean missing out on an economic opportunity that could greatly benefit region Upstate New York. Of course, allowing hydraulic fracturing to harm the region in an attempt to improve the economy would be counterproductive and would hurt development of the region. Therefore, the best solution is to allow hydraulic fracturing with proper regulation.

With proper regulation, hydraulic fracturing could help development without being as harmful to the environment. Technology has advanced so there are now greener fracking fluids. Proper design and management of hydraulic fracturing methods could minimize the risks while allowing the benefits.


Jenkins, H. W., & Jr. (2010, Oct 06). Americans (sort of) fracking. Wall Street Journal, pp. A.19.

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