Gangs of NY Journal

In the theater scene, about halfway into the movie, the protagonist Amsterdam Vallon sits with William Cutting to enjoy a play, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The scene begins with a man playing the role of President Abraham Lincoln raised in the air. Around him are clouds and angels which imply that the Five Points Mission want to portray the president as Godlike. As he speaks he opens out his arms so that it looks like he is on a cross like Jesus. In the audience Amsterdam appears amicable with Bill as they share a few smiles and a drink and a cigar.

As the play gets disrupted by the audience throwing tomatoes and vegetables of all sorts at the stage after a reference to the Emancipation Proclamation, both Bill and Amsterdam take part in throwing whatever food they had in their basket and exclaim, “Down with the Union,” to show their mutual distaste for Lincoln and his decree. In the chaos Amsterdam spots a man with a gun and aims it at Bill crying, “For the blood of the Irish.” The scene jumps from shots of the gun unveiling, Amsterdam jumping in front of Bill, and Bill getting shot straight in the chest. The cuts make it seem like Amsterdam purposefully jumped too early to avoid getting shot, but still wanted the appearance of attempting to save Bill. Although later in the film we realize that Amsterdam did come back to Five Points to avenge his father’s death, this seemingly heroic act shows that he himself wants to kill Bill. This also helps his plan to get close to Bill by enhancing his image, credibility, and loyalty.

After the wrestle for possession of the gun and a second shot got off, Amsterdam stared at the gun in disbelief, as if he could not comprehend what he had just done to a fellow Irishman.

When Bill tips his hat to Vallon to think him, Amsterdam hesitates before reciprocating the gesture and looks nervous and antsy. He pushes off the friendly hugs from those around him and storms off. He finds himself alone and proceeds to cry. He feels a strong guilt and sense of disloyalty to his Irish roots for getting one of his own killed.

This scene overall shows the internal struggle that Amsterdam undergoes while being so close to the man who killed his father. Amsterdam played up the perfect con by gaining Bill’s trust and moving up in the ranks.

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