Bread Givers – Sara and her Father

Sara and her father are very similar in one respect; they are both very determined and often stubborn. Sara’s father is determined to be fully dedicated to his religion no matter how much it makes him or his family suffer. He refuses to work and makes his family support him so that he can continue his studies of religion. His books take up much of the space in their tiny home.

Sara is very different from her father in most respects except for her similar sense of determination to follow her dreams. Her sister and mother work themselves endlessly to help support the family. Her sister Bessie works especially hard and gives all her earnings to her father without any hesitation. Sara on the other hand feels a sense of entitlement to the money she earns. She does not understand why her father can just sit around all day while her and her sister work tirelessly just to keep food on the table. Her father is very unappreciative because he just simply expects all of this from his family. Being stubborn like her father Sara is more reluctant to jump at her father’s every command.

Sara has her own idea of the American Dream. Being the youngest she is able to witness the choices her sisters make and the fates they meet. Sara does not just want to be married off to a man of her father’s choosing. She is determined to make a life for herself on her own terms. This sense of determination is something her and her father share strongly.

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