Shaun Tan’s “The Arrival”

In section 3, there is a sequence of photos in which the protagonist is confused because he is having trouble finding foods that he is familiar with, like bread and milk. He is offered some odd looking foods by a man and his son, but is reluctant at first to try them.

I feel that this sequence of images is symbolic in a few ways. For one, it symbolizes the lack of familiarity that immigrants are faced with when they leave their home country and go to a place that they know very little about. Customs, practices, and most obviously food in this case, may not always be the same or similar to what the immigrant is used to, so they must assimilate to whatever the norm is in their new country.

This sequence is also symbolic of the cultural diffusion that occurs due to immigration and mixing of different kinds of people within a region, which is the good that comes out of the sort of “forced assimilation.” The man and his son were glad to show the protagonist how to eat the unfamiliar foods, and seemed to explain to him what they were so that he could become more comfortable and knowledgeable about them.

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