
Nella Larsen’s novel is entitled “Passing”. In the novel, two African-American women are light enough to “pass” as white women. Therefore, we can interpret that the main reason for the title of the book is to reference the two main characters and their experiences passing for white.

In the 1920’s, passing for a white woman brings great advantages and privileges. As white women, Irene and Clare can dine and visit where ever they want. They can freely enjoy the company of white men and women, which means they can participate in the activities of high society without discrimination. They get respect and admiration from most other people. Understanding these advantages helps us to understand why they would sacrifice their own racial heritage to pass as white women. Irene wants to hold on to her black culture, but Clare is too far gone.

Passing could also be a reference to the passage of time, as Clare and Irene were childhood friends, and chose to continue their relationship as adults. In addition, it could also refer to Clare’s sudden passing (death) at the end of the novel.


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