Art is subtle

It may not seem like it, but this simple tree actually is art. During the construction of the highline, some planner had to stop and think about the placement of this tree, as well as hundreds of others. Careful thought and consideration was put into placing this tree and many others like it in places where they would be pleasing to visitors, but not distracting. In short, they had to be subtle. Granted, your definition of art may vary from mine, and, as a result, you may not agree that the tress is art. Regardless, given the careful planning of this tree, it deserves some recognition, as art or not.

Seen beside it is a piece that cannot be missed as you walk along the highline. The odd shapes and vibrant, varied color palette of this sculpture ensures that it will be easily visible from any angle and at any time of day. It is virtually impossible for this piece to blend into it’s surrounding, and it draws the eye almost immediately when  it’s in your line of sight.

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