Art is noisy

At first, the park confused me because it was filled with trees and all sorts of nature items and yet, we were overlooking the busy streets of New York City. Under me were the streets of New York City filled with cars and taxis polluting the highline with its noises; but right in front of me was the peaceful visage from the perfectly green grass of the highline. Just by staring at the grass, you could feel the peacefulness and lack of noise, but then you hear the traffic lights change and the car horns ensue.

3 thoughts on “Art is noisy

  1. Jennifer Corby

    Hi Sarah,
    What a great contrast! Be sure to check out the instructions for creating a gallery with your images, and don’t forget the write-up.

  2. Jennifer Corby

    Hi Sarah, I fixed it for you. You can alter how the gallery is displayed by using the text editor instead of the visual editor. I added the size=”large” tag to your gallery (in case you want to see where the change was made). There are step by step details on the instructions page, but if it doesn’t make sense, just come see me 🙂

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