Art is… Intricate / Simple

Art is... intricate. This painting is extremely detailed, and created for the sake of it being "art". The artist must have taken a long time painting this mural.

Art is… intricate. This painting is extremely detailed, and created for the sake of it being “art”. The artist must have taken a long time painting this mural.

Art is... simple. This picture was taken by accident. There are simple shapes and similar colors, yet it is still interesting.

Art is… simple. This picture was taken by accident. There are simple shapes and similar colors, yet it is still interesting.

One thought on “Art is… Intricate / Simple

  1. Jennifer Corby

    Love these pictures, Shin! Refer to the directions to create a gallery rather than just insert the images into the post. That way your post will have more impact, and room will be saved for others’ posts. Let me know if you need any help 🙂

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