The acting in Otello really brought the play to life. Because it was sung in Italian, the jesters of the actors really shed light on the situation and made it easier for those foreign to the language to follow along. You could determine who Desdomona and Othello were by the display of affection. Their relationship can be seen by the constant contact between the two actors. Desdomona always touched Othello’s upper chest, shoulders and face. It seemed that her hands were either in his or near his heart, emphasizing that she is Othello’s love. Iago can be classified by his brooding nature. When he spoke about how much he despised Othello, his eyes would widen, his fingers would curl and his face would look menacing. Othello changes mood when he finds out about Desdomona’s “unloyalty”. He seems like a calm, confident character towards the first 2 acts, but then shifts to a saddened crushed soul. When he raged, his face scrunched up, but then he became weak and was constantly looking down, holding onto furniture or on the floor for long periods of time.