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Monthly Archive for May, 2009

Dirty putrid puddle, you sit there, stagnant ruffled by the breeze from the WHOOSH of the cars and trucks going by Iridescent swirls of oil top your undisturbed surface gray-brown filth contaminates you, wrappers and trash from thousands of unidentified people paper your bottom. The cracked asphalt and cement below you create an alien landscape; […]

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two wrongs

Hello world, Welcome to the new and improved blog. I’ve been trying to personalize the theme a bit more. The header banner is actually from my black and white photography. I will also be adding some more of my artwork to my portfolio/photography section. Today was our class’s presentation…it was actually at the Macaulay Building, […]

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Since the opening of the Macaulay Social Networking thing, I figured I should keep this blog more regular. I’ve been meaning to update this more, but between schoolwork and life, I’ve been neglecting this. It’s almost the close of my first year of college. It’s a strange feeling, because part of me feels like I’ve […]

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