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Hello world,

Welcome to the new and improved blog. I’ve been trying to personalize the theme a bit more. The header banner is actually from my black and white photography. I will also be adding some more of my artwork to my portfolio/photography section.

Today was our class’s presentation…it was actually at the Macaulay Building, not the grad center, my mistake. It went well! Props to Yocheved and Haroon! The semester seems to be winding down, yet intensifying at the same time. It feels really strange.

I’ve been talking to some other Macaulay at Queens students, and I’ve found that many of us are interested in really starting the Macaulay Theater Club that has been suggested/hinted at in the past. If anyone is interested, please let me know.

In the mean time, best of luck on your studies and preparations for your finals.

If you are looking for a procrastination tool, and/or are very interested in the neighborhoods of Queens, I would be honored if you would check out our Final Website Project for the Peopling of New York Seminar. We all worked really hard on our neighborhood profiles and studies, and we were bummed that we couldn’t all present our findings and the solutions we devised for our neighborhoods’ issues. Here is the link, in case you are interested: http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/vesselinov09/index.php/Main_Page.

All the best,

Natalia Julia Donofrio

-When everything’s coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.

-Two wrongs don’t make a right, but two Wrights make an airplane.

:edit: I added some more photography to my photography section. I hope to  continue to expand this section.

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