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Since the opening of the Macaulay Social Networking thing, I figured I should keep this blog more regular. I’ve been meaning to update this more, but between schoolwork and life, I’ve been neglecting this.

It’s almost the close of my first year of college. It’s a strange feeling, because part of me feels like I’ve been here forever (the other part of me feels like I’ve been on the G and E trains forever, but that’s cause I have been), orientation feels like a billion years ago, and I know everyone so well, that it’s almost as if I’ve known them all my whole life. The other part of me feels that the year just flew by. I guess it’s a bit of both.

Tuesday is our class’s presentation at the Grad. Center. Meantime, I’m just trying to survive my finals and final projects. Speaking of which, I just finished my sculpture final. project: an almost five-foot tall hanging lantern. The problem is going to be schlepping it on the G, E and Q64. Ah well, that’s life…especially that of an art major.

All the best,


One Response to “re-vamp”

  1. Indeed, time has been strange this year.

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