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Macaulay Arts Night Update

Hello World!

So, The First Anual Macaulay Arts Night will be tomorrow afternoon from 4:00 to 8:00 at the Macaulay Honors College building on 35 West 67th Street. I was planning to put this information sooner, but I’ve been running around all week trying to get the the show up and all the loose ends tied.

It will be amazing…and I’m not just saying it…I’m usually a pretty tough critic…

The art work you’ve sent us is truely amazing…we have musicians and singers ready to perform…music clips ready to be played in the “listening booths”, the films ready to be shown, the slide shows for unprinted photographs and poetry ready to loop. All in all, it will be a wonderful show. We also have a secret surprise art exhibit dreamt up by our very own resident Septipus, and put into effect with the help of the curators.

I really hope that you can come.

I will post more and put some photos on here after the event to let you know how awesome it was.

*fingers crossed*


Macaulay Arts Night


We are organizing and curating a student art show at the Macaulay Center. It will be held on Friday March 6th, 2009. We are looking for student submissions. Any type of art is welcomed, from visual arts, to crafts, to creative writing and poetry, dramatic arts, music (performance and pre-recorded) and performance arts. It is going to be a wonderful event. It is a great opportunity for us all to display our creative work and talk to other creative individuals. For more information look for us on facebook.

Many thanks.

I will update with more information on the event.


I was supposed to activate a movable text blog for my English Class to post this essay, but sometimes, I am technologically unlucky. This is one of those times.Therefore, I will post this assignment here until I can get it all straightened out.

The cover image of the October 3, 2005 edition of The New Yorker magazine depicts the city at night. The inky sky is a deep, dark navy blue. The night is dark and clear. An assortment of water-tower-topped two and three story buildings stretch out in front of the viewer. Silhouetted old-New York buildings, with dark empty windows, are dwarfed by the majestic awe-inspiring Empire State Building. The million windows glisten brightly with golden-yellow light. The ornate top is a shiny silvery blue at the base…the needle top pierces the night sky with three infinitesimally small specks of light drawing the eyes upwards to the dark heavens above. A silhouetted hand holds aloft a dark cell-phone, much like the Statue of Liberty holding her torch.  The cell phone’s screen reveals the same image of the buildings, reinterpreted by digital pixel cells. Twelve golden-yellow illuminated buttons shine like the windows of the Empire State Building.
The October 3, 2005 cover of The New Yorker can be interpreted in many different ways. One possible interpretation is that the artist could be commenting on the idea that modern-day humans rely far too much on technology. The cell phone shows a duplicate image of the scene before the viewer. People look to technology as the way of the future. Indeed, the cell phone is like the beacon of the Statue of Liberty, leading the way to more technological advancements. Technology has drastically changed the way people live their lives. Humans have become very dependant on technology. While technology is generally very beneficial and helps to facilitate our daily lives, it does have some detrimental consequences. In the image, the person holding the cellular phone may be using the cell phone to capture the scene before him, but the tiny image on the screen loses clarity. It does not capture the true essence, the beauty, of the scene; rather each shimmering window is converted into a single pixel. The artist is trying to say that people do not stop to see or experience the reality around them, but depend instead on technological interpretation of reality. It is important that with all the technological advancements we experience that we do not lose sight of the world around us and that we do not fail to experience life first-hand through our own senses.


Once I figure out how to work this program, I will post my photography here.


Hello. My name is Natalia Julia Donofrio. I am currently enrolled in the Macaulay Honors College at Queens College. I am majoring in the BFA Studio Art program, with a minor in the Honors in the Humanities track. I hope to eventually declare a second major in film studies. I graduated from LaGuardia HS in June of 2008 as an art major.

I’ve studied art in the past 5 years, and I have worked with drawing, graphic design, photography, illustration, painting, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, and calligraphy. I’ve also worked on various parts of film production including story board design, directing, cinematography, set/lighting design, costume and makeup and editing in the group Film Making for Young Peace-Makers.

Hello world!

Not only is this my first blog post, but it is also my first blog post on my shiney new MacBook. Today was day two of MHC orientation, and I am feeling very much at peace with the world. Welcome to Macaulay Eportfolio Collection. This is my first blog post on e portfolios.

I’m slightly confused: what are we supposed to be doing with this?

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