Archive for August, 2011

Déjà vu

Monday, August 29th, 2011

Hello all, Once again, it is my last night in Salamanca. Once again, this will be my last post. I have a flight to leave Madrid tomorrow afternoon back home to NY, which I miss dearly. Once I get back, classes start, and I’m sure things will be back to normal before I can say […]


Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Hello all, My last post was going to be my last one since I’m supposed to be on a plane to NYC at the moment. However, things happen. Big things happen… like hurricanes… named Irene. So, my flight es cancelado, or cancelled. Customer care isn’t open yet either, so it looks like I’m forced to […]

El fin

Friday, August 26th, 2011

Hello, As someone once said, “all good things come to an end”. Well, I think someone said it… feels like I heard it from somewhere. Anyway, this is the case here. My trip is coming to a close very soon, although I’m not sure exactly when. My flight is tomorrow afternoon and New York (after […]

Campeones del Mundo!

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Hola! These past few days have been great. I’m really going to miss Salamanca when I leave this weekend. So, a few days ago I got the chance to watch a football (soccer) game in a cafe here in Salamanca between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. Great game, but my favorite, FC Barcelona came out […]

¡Yo comprendo!

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

¡Hola! I am now sitting in the cafe where I previously asked for a cup of coffee… to drink. Well, I overcame my fears and decided to come back here. There’s great wifi here, so why not update my blog? My past few days have been great! Well, before I get to that, I’d like […]

Legen… dary!

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

I figured that if ever during my trip was a great time to call my post legendary, or “legen-dary” with the ‘How I Met Your Mother” reference (great show btw, totally recommend it), then it would be now. I am currently sitting in the famous Plaza Mayor, in the center of Salamanca, Spain writing this. […]

Sí… café…

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

The past few days have been pretty routine with them being weekdays; I have class in the morning and I have the afternoon free to do what I want. I’ve been using these afternoons to visit some of the numerous museums in Salamanca like the Museo de Historia de la Automoción and the Palacio de Congresos […]

Todo Toledo!

Saturday, August 6th, 2011

So today, I went to Toledo, Spain; a town Southeast of Salamanca, just South of Madrid. Toledo is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. And having just came from Toledo, I completely agree. The trip to Toledo didn’t start out so pretty. 3 hour bus ride from Salamanca, which leaves at 8am […]

¡La Vida Española!

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

Hola mis amigos,   So, today is Wednesday. I’ve been here for 3 days so far, and I had my third day of class today. It is…   AWESOME!   I took a tour of Salamanca yesterday. The city is amazingly beautiful filled with a deep history and culture. The city is extremely old, to […]


Monday, August 1st, 2011

I know you’re probably wondering: “why is this person’s blog called no comprendo?” Well, before I get to that, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Joseph Mossad, and I am a college student on a study abroad program in Salamanca, Spain. I decided I’d use this blog to try and keep track of […]