
I know you’re probably wondering: “why is this person’s blog called no comprendo?” Well, before I get to that, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Joseph Mossad, and I am a college student on a study abroad program in Salamanca, Spain. I decided I’d use this blog to try and keep track of my adventures and allow my readers to get a laugh, or two.

So, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Or maybe not. The reason why the name of my blog is called “nocomprendo” is because…

that’s what I’ve been saying for the past few days. You see… I’m already here in Spain. I arrived last Thursday, and I’m here in Salamanca now. I was in Madrid for 3 nights before I came here. I’ll admit it, my Spanish is a bit rusty. It’s been more than 4 years since I took an actual course in Spanish, and this is my first time in a Spanish speaking country. So, “no comprendo” has pretty much become my favorite line thus far. Also, I have a feeling I’m a much better charades player than I previously was.

Madrid was a great experience. Kinda reminded me of New York City with it being always lively, 24 hours a day. However, there are a couple of differences. In NYC, everyone tends to have a destination, always rushing somewhere; in Madrid, people tend to stand around and relax a bit more. There is a famous plaza in Madrid called ‘la puerta del sol’, which means gateway to the sun. Funny enough, it was always sunny in that plaza. Anyway, this plaza can be likened to Times Square, the 24-7 action and the bright lights at night. Also, the surrounding streets of vendors and tourist attractions were great! This plaza was the place to be; for Spaniards and foreigners alike.

Here’s a picture of La Puerta del Sol in Madrid!

La Puerta del Sol

So here I currently am in Salamanca with my host family. I’m studying at the Colegio de Espana, which is a great college for international students interested in learning Spanish. The first day of class was today, and we took a placement exam, and met our professors. My professor’s name is Carmen, which is a popular Spanish name. The best part of the class is that only one language is allowed in the classroom: Spanish.

Anyway, just wanted to open the blog and get my first post in. Keep checking for more exciting blogs about my experiences!

¡Hasta luego!

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