¡La Vida Española!

Hola mis amigos,


So, today is Wednesday. I’ve been here for 3 days so far, and I had my third day of class today. It is…




I took a tour of Salamanca yesterday. The city is amazingly beautiful filled with a deep history and culture. The city is extremely old, to the point that they have a cathedral called ‘la catedral nueva’ (the new cathedral). So, I figured hmm.. it’s new right? Built last year? The year before? 50 years ago? 100? No… try 500 years ago! Building began in 1513… and that’s the new one… the old one, or ‘la catedral vieja’ was constructed in 1140. Just an idea for the deep history that Salamanca has. Not much has changed… and how can I forget… not only is the city old, but it is beautiful.

I think I said that before, but it’s totally worth it to say it again. You know what? I get the feeling you may not believe me… here’s a picture of Salamanca from the top of the new cathedral:

La Ciudad de Salamanca


I can go on and on about that. The Spanish know how to build. They also know how to speak Spanish, which is what I am learning how to do as well! It’s going great! My class is great, only 8 students and the professor is very exciting, making the 4 hour long class fly by, leaving us wanting to learn more. The thing is, this class isn’t really like the spanish courses I’ve taken in America. Most of them are straight from an old 1850’s textbook and we learn nothing about the culture of the spanish people. This course is accompanied by spanish sayings and bits and pieces relative to the culture of Spain. It’s the reason I’m here: and I’m super grateful.


Just another post of the super exciting adventures in my quest to becoming a spaniard…


hasta luego!


P.S. I spoke lot’s about the cathedrals… but a picture says a thousand words… here you go!

The New Cathedral of Salamanca, built in 1513

La Catedral Nueva de Salamanca, construida en 1513 y yo

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