¡Yo comprendo!


I am now sitting in the cafe where I previously asked for a cup of coffee… to drink. Well, I overcame my fears and decided to come back here. There’s great wifi here, so why not update my blog?

My past few days have been great! Well, before I get to that, I’d like to announce that I did, in fact, order a cup of coffee this time with no trouble. I was also able to joke with the same waitress about my previous experience with ordering a cup of coffee… to drink. Of course, all of this was in Spanish… hence, the title of this post.

Anyway, these past few days were great. Sunday night, there was a huge multicultural festival in the plaza mayor with different cultures being represented with flags being held up in the midst of the bustling crowd. The entire plaza was filled with people, and the stage that I spoke about in my last post had small shows representing different nations/areas including: Korea, China, United States, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, South Africa, Russia, Mexico etc. The list goes on…

Me clowning around in the plaza mayor!

The festival overall was great! Great music, comical shows, and loads of happy diverse people in one place! One of the best parts was when they interrupted the show to say that a boy of only 5 years old was lost amidst the crowd. They explained his features: blonde hair, caucasian boy with a white t-shirt. Now, that wasn’t the best part… the best part was about 10 minutes later when they interrupted the show again to say that the little boy was found. The crowd filled with people from all over the world cheered louder than they had the entire night. What an experience!

Yesterday, I went to a swimming pool here in Salamanca. The weather here has been great all weekend. Of course, I had class today, and it’s still going great! I’ll be writing again soon!

Keep reading!

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