Campeones del Mundo!


These past few days have been great. I’m really going to miss Salamanca when I leave this weekend.

So, a few days ago I got the chance to watch a football (soccer) game in a cafe here in Salamanca between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. Great game, but my favorite, FC Barcelona came out on top. In case you don’t already know, Spain is very good at soccer. Usually, the champions of the World Cup are pretty good. So, needless to say it was a great experience. I was also able to snap a photo of the TV in the cafe. so here it is:

Cristiano Ronaldo, of Real Madrid in the recent game vs. FC Barcelona

Today, I did a little souvenir shopping, and then went to a couple of other museums here in Salamanca. Never gonna get tired of visiting these many museums here in Salamanca. Once again, they were great!

From here on out, it’s just studying for my exam this upcoming Thursday, finishing off doing the list of things I haven’t yet done, and then redoing the things I love the most!

Talk to ya’ll soon!

One Response to “Campeones del Mundo!”

  1.   Bisuteria Says:

    Regards from Barcelona.

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