Legen… dary!

I figured that if ever during my trip was a great time to call my post legendary, or “legen-dary” with the ‘How I Met Your Mother” reference (great show btw, totally recommend it), then it would be now.

I am currently sitting in the famous Plaza Mayor, in the center of Salamanca, Spain writing this. The wi-fi is great here, and so is the coffee so it’s definitely legendary.

Tonight is the night before the Spanish ‘fiesta’ called “Asunción” in honor of the Assumption of St. Mary. The Plaza Mayor is lively, filled with people, and there is a band setting up a stage and equipment for a show later on tonight.

Today also marks the beginning of the second half of my stay in Salamanca… got two weeks left, let’s see if I can make the second half more legendary than the first!

Me in the Plaza Mayor: Yes, that lady in the back is waving at YOU!

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