Sam Goodman

We also arranged an interview with Sam Goodman, the urban planner of Bronx county, over the telephone. Tim and I interviewed Sam last Monday, with me asking questions about the changing demographic in the community and Tim asking questions specifically about Montefiore’s impact on the community. Although Sam could not answer authoritatively on Montefiore’s relationship with the community, he did let us know, informally, his personal experience and remarks about Norwood’s demographic, and his opinions on Montefiore’s impact. He believes that Norwood, due to its close proximity with the hospital, was protected from the rapid structural development (it never contained the mega hi-rise, low income housing projects of other places in the Bronx), and also due to Montefiore becoming a strong player in the community, was spared the intentional devastation and organized arson (“the burning of the Bronx”) commonly seen in parts of the South Bronx during the seventies. He also thought that the relatively low rates of crime there in comparison with other Bronx neighborhoods and the amenities offered by the community (the abundance of parks and community centers, as well as the positive influence of the hospital) would make it an increasingly attractive option for young professionals who are seeking a low-cost yet relatively nice area to live.

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