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Archive for the ‘Plants’

Calvert Vaux Park – Brooklyn, NYC

Calvert Vaux Park also hosts a diverse population of plants and flora. Click ‘more’ to look through the catalog. (more…)

Bryant Park , Union Square & Madison Square Parks


Bryant Park,Manhattan, NYC

Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC

Bryant Park, Manhattan, NYC

Bryant Park, Manhattan, NYC

Bryant Park,Manhattan, NYC

Bryant Park,Manhattan, NYC


Flowers are often an ecosystem service people take for granted. People generally only see the importance of flowers on holidays and birthdays. But really, flowers are everywhere and can be found in a variety of ecosystems. They have an aesthetic purpose and generally uplift people’s mood. Flowers are an important part of the green spaces in NYC and serve an intrinsic purpose.


Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC

Bryant Park,Manhattan, NYC

Bryant Park, Manhattan,  NYC

Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC

Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC

Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC

Madison Square Park

Madison Square Park, Manhattan,NYC


Trees are one of the most important ecosystem services. Urban trees provide a multitude of environmental, economic and social benefits. Trees help counteract global climate change and improve air quality by absorbing and storing pollutants such as carbon dioxide and dust. Studies have found a correlation between the number of trees planted in an urban area and reported health. Furthermore, proximity to green spaces and large street trees is linked to lower crime rates, greater community appeal and increased property values, contributing to the high economic return of planting trees. Million trees NYC, which hopes to increase the city’s canopy cover from the current 21% to 30% by 2030, has quantified the value of these quality-of-life benefits. For more info go to:

Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC

Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC

   Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC                          Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC

Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC

Union Square Park, Manhattan, NYC

Union Square Park,  Manhattan, NYC

Madison Square Park, Manhattan,NYC

Madison Square Park, Manhattan,NYC

Plants and Shrubs:

Plants are an important ecosystem service in NYC parks. An integral role they play is as oxygen creators. This oxygen in turn is necessary for animal life, including human beings! It is quite easy to miss plants and shrubs when they are quite abundant. However, they are integral to human life. Plants provide food for omnivores and herbivores alike. Furthermore, plants add to the scenery of a park or garden.