Here is a short reflection on my experiencing watching an off-off broadway show!

The Love Letter That You’ve Been Meaning to Write New York

New York holds a special place in my heart. Which is why watching the off-off Broadway play/musical, The Love Letter That You’ve Been Meaning to Write New York, was such a phenomenal experience. Jonathan Solari created an interesting and charming experience in his unique production that uses New York to its advantage.

Solari paints a story about an unnamed New Yorker played by Arnaud J. Spanos. The man suffers from marriage rejection from his girlfriend. Devoid of all hope, he asks himself, “Why should I stay?” After 3 weeks, he decides to leave New York, only to get mugged of his car and belongings on his departure night. From that point on he meets several New Yorkers on his way to get help, and learns why staying in New York is not so bad. The plot of the play aims to bring out the feeling of pride and love for the city, and it succeeds at doing so.

Source: Sarah Wolff

The musical literally takes place on Greenwich Street; the whole stage is actually the New York City street itself. Solari uses a windowed room in the 3LD Technology & Art Center to seat about 50 people. From this room, the audience watches the play unfold with the musical performance band situated in the back of the room. The show’s design works well since it made me feel like I was a part of the show. Aside from the enjoyable performance, the musical also excited a feeling similar to nostalgia. As I saw the exaggerated New York vibe/attitude, I started to remember all of the places in New York that makes it special to me. The single street on Greenwich can be replaced with any part of the city that evokes a memory – something special to New York and its culture.

If you would like to read a full review (from theater class) Click here!


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