Author Archives: Tsai-Shiou Hsieh

Walking Tour: 2/21 Monday 1-3 pm

Walking Tour of Flushing will take place this Monday, February 21. Time: 1pm-3pm – Please be there at 1pm sharp! The tour begins promptly. Meeting Place: Southwest Corner of Main Street and 39th Avenue.

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Remember to publish!

I noticed a couple of posts stayed as drafts- remember to click the “publish” button to have it online!  Don’t know where your draft is located? Simply go to the dashboard, click on “post” then you will see a list … Continue reading

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Welcome to Professor Elisha’s “The Peopling of New York City” course website. This is the space where you will post reading responses throughout the semester, accumulate materials for the website project and comment on each others’ work. Need some site … Continue reading

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