Author Archives: Chhada Nathan Kabariti

Chhada Nathan Kabariti-Images

Hello. Below is a link to the images used in my final paper. Chhada Nathan Kabariti-Smoking Cessation-Images

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Chhada Nathan Kabariti-8 page draft

Hello. Below is a link to the 8 page draft of my paper. Chhada Nathan Kabariti-Smoking Cessation-8 page draft

Posted in 8 Page Draft, Prevention of Cigarette Smoking | Comments Off on Chhada Nathan Kabariti-8 page draft

Chhada Nathan Kabariti-Outline

Hello. Below is a link to the outline of my final paper. Chhada Nathan Kabariti.Outline.10.1

Posted in Paper Outline, Prevention of Cigarette Smoking | Comments Off on Chhada Nathan Kabariti-Outline

Chhada Nathan Kabariti-Final Paper

Hello. Below is a link to my final paper on the media’s responses to the smoking cessation suggestions that were proposed over time. Chhada Nathan Kabariti Final Paper on Smoking and the Media

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Dr. John Snow and the Broad Street Pump – Chhada Nathan Kabariti

The prevailing theory during the cholera outbreak of 1854 was that infectious and contagious diseases were spread by a general miasma: a pollution of the atmosphere that became malignant when combined with the emissions of organic decomposition from the earth. … Continue reading

Posted in Week 4 (10/1) | 10 Comments

Chhada Nathan Kabariti-Abstract & Annotated Bibliography

Title: Cigarette Smoking Cessation Suggestions and the Professional and Public Responses over Time Abstract: As I researched magazine and newspaper coverage of NYS cigarette smoking prevention initiatives, I found that the further back I went, the more articles and blogs … Continue reading

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Frederick Engels-Biography and His Work – Chhada Nathan Kabariti

Frederick Engels’ life has some connection to his writing. As a young teenager, his father pushed him to join the business world and to reject the political ideas Engels kept thinking and writing most of his articles about. Instead, Engels … Continue reading

Posted in Week 2 (9/10) | Comments Off on Frederick Engels-Biography and His Work – Chhada Nathan Kabariti

The Cholera Story – Chhada Nathan Kabariti

This seminar is meant to teach us about the shaping of public health in NYC and other places in the world. The more assigned readings I read, the more I realize how significant the public is in the shaping of … Continue reading

Posted in Week 3 (9/24) | 1 Comment