Category Archives: Week 6 (10/15)

Social and Political Contexts of Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment

Tuberculosis has its roots deep in ancient history and has grown to be notorious for its high mortality rates and excruciating symptoms. It has taken centuries of scientific advancements to determine the bacterial origin of this disease and its contagious … Continue reading

Posted in Week 6 (10/15) | 6 Comments

The Great White Plague

Tuberculosis–otherwise known as the White Plague or Pott’s disease–was an inevitable ticket to death in Europe during the 1650s; the combination of a dense population and and abysmal sanitary conditions served as a breeding ground for the illness. Evading the … Continue reading

Posted in Week 6 (10/15) | 11 Comments

Questions: Week 6, Tuberculosis and the Public Health Response

In 1903 (pre-preventorium), AICP (Assoc. for Improving the Conditions of the Poor) board member John Seely Ward went to Europe for ideas to help American children with TB. According to Dr. Connoly, how did the French, German (and Danish) influence … Continue reading

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