Here’s to the Seniors! (five weeks o.0)

Hey all,

So, starting this week, I guess I’ll write a blog every week. Teehee. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

This week I’d like to talk about the seniors. I’ve been so wrapped up in planning my schedule for the summer and fall that it didn’t really sink in until yesterday that the seniors have FIVE WEEKS LEFT. That’s incredible and scary because it’s so close but they all have final projects to finish up.

Where are they going to go? What are they going to do? If they don’t have it figured out that can be a bummer if only because EVERYONE is asking them about it. It’s high school graduation all over again. “So what decisions have you made about the rest of your life today?”

This, my dear, fellow Juniors (and you underclassmen, too), is what we have to look forward to. It’s the good and the bad, the graduating and the real life. We’re adults already, but some of us are going to start our careers right after getting a bachelor’s. Some of us are going on for many more years of study, especially if we plan to stay in academia professionally. The question here is: Can we ever be ready?

I think college can do a fine job of preparing you to be prepared for life, but it doesn’t actually do much of the preparing for life. It’s a bit of a shield, a comfy baby blankey. Many of us are very ready to tackle the world on our own and to show that we have evolved past this structured learning environment. There is a time for everything, but leaving your undergrad alma mater can seem like a step toward freedom. Good times were had by all, and now it’s time to have them somewhere else. I hope you enjoy it.

Those you leave behind here are going to miss you, but we’ll follow in your footsteps soon enough. Now get a haircut and get a real job 😉




P.S. Here’s a funny video:

About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!
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