Author Archives: Julia

About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!

Because we want to (not the answer to every rhetorical question ever, obviously)

Hey all, I just want you to know that I love it here. After spending all day in bed doing nothing, which was wonderful, I went on a night walk in the park with a friend of mine. We both … Continue reading

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Things I Should Be Working on in Chinese

there will be things here.. I should be working on the things I should be working on in Spanish… Here’s one, though!!

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Things I Need to Work on in Spanish

there will be things here.. I’m working on it.

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The Benefits of a Neurotic Childhood (batteries sold separately)

Yes, I am obviously talking about a friend who is not really a friend but a friend of a friend. Totally not me. That’s for sure 😉 Before getting into anything, LOOK AT THIS: Yeah, when do you think that’s … Continue reading

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The Eternal Student and the Red Light District (Who went to Amsterdam? This Girl!)

Out of all the places I’ve been so far, Barcelona is my number one…. and Amsterdam is second. I had no idea what to expect of Amsterdam. I knew it was in Holland, that there were lots of canals, that … Continue reading

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On Living Better (nope, it’s not about your life ;)

I love teaching English! I think I’ll always end up doing it on the side 😀 However, my Mami helped me face the facts and realize what I actually want to do with my life! Working for an NGO that … Continue reading

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Hey guys, I went to Tharagotha!! (or if you’re not Spanish, Zaragoza)

Randomly, although I am going to Amsterdam next weekend, I decided to accompany three of my lovely Logroño friends on a trip to Zaragoza. I took the photo to the left in Aljafería, a muslim palace from Spain’s moor times … Continue reading

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The Whiny, Overprivileged Opinions of a Traveling Gal. (Feel free to hate on this)

Yeah so the first thing I said when I came back from London, after spending the previous weekend in Madrid was, “Uuugghhh I hate traveling, I’m so glad I’m home… It’s COLD in England! I miss everyone.” Yeah. I’m not … Continue reading

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definitely in love (hint: Not a stripper)

01 Accidentally in Love <<–listen to this while reading, por favor 😀 It might have skips because the Shrek CD was scratched, but we can’t have everything now, can we?….. ¡¿Can we?! *gasp* SO hey, hi there. I’m super inspired to … Continue reading

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So maybe life is perfect (and a lot of videos)

Or just studying abroad. Or maybe it’s just the way my rose-colored glasses and I think about everything. Tengo que practicar mi español pero estoy más feliz haciendo un blog en inglés. (too lazy to blog in Spanish) My roomie … Continue reading

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