Trends Restaurant

Italian heritage is very prevalent in New York City, and especially so in Staten Island. Finding a restaurant, which exhibits Italian culture is not a laborious task. One restaurant, which our group visited to further enhance our knowledge, was Trends in Great Kills. Here an Italian owner and his staff were able to provide us with some insight on Italy’s unique culinary customs.
When one enters Trends restaurant, he or she can immediately discern that they have entered into an Italian establishment. The walls are decorated in a way which represents the rustic warmth of the country . They are skillfully painted to include distinct traditional objects such as wine, grapes and Roman columns. Upon looking at the menu, we were somewhat surprised. The pasta and fish portions were much larger than any other food group. This suggests that fish and pasta are very prominent meals in Italian culture. In addition to the decor, most of the menu was written in Italian. This aspect is most certainly appreciated by fluent speakers, but for others, it can be quite frustrating and very difficult to decipher. Although most of the entrees offered are from the Italian cuisine, the selection is not limited. For example, items such as Asian meatballs and Tai muscles are two popular dishes with close but no direct ties to Italian food.

While dining at Trends, we were fortunate enough to meet its owner, Mike Cappucci. The opportunity to converse with him provided great insight into the Italian culture. He was born to Italian immigrant parents and grew up following traditional values. This, combined with his penchant to cook, led him to open up his restaurant. When asked about non-Italian items on the menu, Mike responded by saying that he loves to cook and experiment with food. He certainly is not afraid to venture out and try new recipes, and since these non Italian dishes are so well received, they are here to stay.
While Trends restaurant promotes an Italian ambiance with its menu and decor, it is considered an American establishment as well. This savvy dinning place incorporates dishes from several different cultures, making it a melting pot of fine international cuisine. These are the qualities that make Trends noticeably and uniquely American-the beautiful blend of ethnicity. The employees and clientele are also not limited to people of Italian heritage. There are some staff members, for example, who are of Hispanic descent that serve as bus boys and assistant chefs. Also notable, the people who dine at this fine institution are of many nationalities. According to the staff, clients are from the local neighborhood. People of Irish, Russian, Hispanic, and Asian descent can all be found experiencing Italian delicacies at Trends.

Although this establishment is predominantly Italian, it does accommodate different cultures; the staff is flexible in that it will alter specific dishes in order to please the variety of customers. For many Italians, food seems to be an area of great interest. By sampling savory dishes previously unfamiliar (like Risotto alla Milanese or Rice with Saffron), we were able to experience a taste of Italy. Such food sampling not only provides a first hand observation of the culinary genius found in an Italian kitchen, but it also helps one to acquire a sense belonging. When eating another culture’s food, it demonstrates that one is willing to try new things and break out of ones’s comfort zone. Experiencing different native foods is a great way to become more familiar with a particular ethnic group. The concept of sharing in different cuisines is very much American. American’s acceptance of new customs and ideas is what makes this country so remarkable. By venturing out and encountering new cultures, one can continue a tradition which Americans have been doing for generations.