Hi everyone:

Welcome to your “East Harlem Notebook.” This site should help you collect and analyze data that you are gathering from your field visits to East Harlem, as well as learn the WordPress skills necessary for you to create and design your own WordPress site– a website that presents the issues most pertinent to East Harlem and its residents.

On this site, we will create an online image gallery.  This will help you see themes in the photos, as well as edit images for the final project. Here we will also test applications like Dipity and Voicethread to find the best way to visualize and present your research.  We can test different mapping software, 3-D sketch-ups, or, if you have a special vision for your final project, we can learn other applications together here. Additionally, you can use this site to post text that can be collaboratively edited for your final project.  Think of this space as a place to test run various ideas for your final project.

If you have an E-portfolio account, you should log in and add this course site to your sites. You can do this by clicking “add me” on the left side of the blog. I look forward to meeting everyone and working together.

See you in February,


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