Archive for the 'Working with Video' Category


March 29, 2011 | Leave a Comment

We didn’t get to play with Voicethread in our initial applications workshop, but the more I think about our conversation today, the more I would like you to take a look at it: It will allow you to import photos, pdf’s, slides, websites, videos, from facebook (even) and then create a conversation around these […]

I realize you are not just making a documentary, but this short video has some helpful thoughts on preparing for interviews, thinking critically about how you present your subjects, as well as copyright issues:

About this project: CoLab sees that it’s easy to pass judgment on a place. Run-down houses probably mean mass-foreclosure. A bustling shopping street probably means financial wealth. A community garden probably signifies an engaged neighborhood. Someone who spends the day on a corner is probably homeless. For this project, CoLab is seeking story series that […]

Uploading Video

February 15, 2011 | Leave a Comment

There are two sites that you can upload video to. I prefer Vimeo because the images look nicer, but if you already have a Youtube account, this maybe easier for you. Both sites will let you add description, comment, and tag video. If you upload video after Monday’s site visit, please post the links to […]

Vado Instructions

February 14, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Vado HD Handout

PPS was founded in 1975 to expand on the work of William (Holly) Whyte, the author of The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. The website for the project is here: A quick search on YouTube for the original film, brings up this research project, which is archiving Whyte’s entire film collection, reshooting footage, […]

Here is an interesting piece in the Times that uses four streams of video footage to show change over time in New Orlean’s Ninth Ward: