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Monthly Archives: March 2010

One Man’s Junk Food is Another Man’s Diet

Everywhere I look I can’t help but notice the absurdity of what Michael Pollan describes as the “American Paradox” an unhealthy people obsessed with the idea of eating healthily. In my own apartment I see this firsthand in the choices my roommates and I make. One of them J. will take the train one stop […]

One Unlikely Solution to the Health Crisis

Recently, I’ve been reading a lot about behavioral economics which revolves around the concept that people don’t always make rational decisions. When it comes to food choices, I feel that this holds to be especially true. If people know oreos and chicken nuggets are not good for them, why do they continue to eat these […]

A (Food) Tale of Two Cities

Last Monday, in my Latin American and Caribbean Political Systems class we discussed Brazil and the fact that it has the world’s highest income inequality. While this nation is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the elite’s gated communities sit a stone’s throw away from the favelas where many of the poor […]