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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Locavores By law

The Argentinean interior trade secretary has recently placed a ban on “import foods that can be produced at home” according to an article in the Financial Times. Apparently, the government is worried that a weaker Euro will negatively impact local producers and thus the economy. Still, I can’t help but think that this is a […]

Mind Your Eating

This past weekend I went back home for Mother’s Day. After a lot of laughing, eating and celebrating with my whole extended family I settled down on Sunday night to read April’s Vogue. It seemed a decent chunk of the magazine was dedicated to eating, dieting and food in general. One article caught my attention […]

An Omnivore’s Challenge

In my last post, I ended my rantings by wishing that Sunnyside would become a “real” neighborhood. Apparently people in high places and by that I mean NY Magazine already feel that it is. As I waited on line at CVS, the title “The Most Livable Neighborhoods in New York” caught my attention and I […]

One Man’s Junk Food is Another Man’s Diet

Everywhere I look I can’t help but notice the absurdity of what Michael Pollan describes as the “American Paradox” an unhealthy people obsessed with the idea of eating healthily. In my own apartment I see this firsthand in the choices my roommates and I make. One of them J. will take the train one stop […]

One Unlikely Solution to the Health Crisis

Recently, I’ve been reading a lot about behavioral economics which revolves around the concept that people don’t always make rational decisions. When it comes to food choices, I feel that this holds to be especially true. If people know oreos and chicken nuggets are not good for them, why do they continue to eat these […]

A (Food) Tale of Two Cities

Last Monday, in my Latin American and Caribbean Political Systems class we discussed Brazil and the fact that it has the world’s highest income inequality. While this nation is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the elite’s gated communities sit a stone’s throw away from the favelas where many of the poor […]

A Side of Dinner with My Television

I’m personally a “summer” person and generally do not care much for the winter. However, this past weekend I layered up, packed a duffel bag with warm clothing and on a 4-hour notice went skiing with my friend Yaji and her coworkers. On the car ride there, we stop for food at Wendy’s. I personally […]

Brekkie with an Aussie

This past weekend my Australian friend, Alex, stayed a couple of nights at my place before she continued her trip through great ‘ol America. I met her over a year ago while studying abroad in Sydney and knew I was in for a weekend of reminiscing. Now looking back, I can see that along with […]

About the Author

Priscilla Posada is a Senior in the Macaulay Honors program at Baruch College. As an International Marketing and Political Science student she has studied abroad in both Buenos Aires, Argentina and Sydney, Australia in order to learn more about the impact culture has on foreign policy. She also has an interest in technology which she […]

Cheap Granola

Fresh from Argentina, with great memories yet broke, I decided to save some money by cooking as many of my meals at home. So, I go to the supermarket and buy vegetables, fruits, quinoa, cans of soup and beans, tofu, spices and other staples. Somehow the total comes up to $76! Normally I wouldn’t mind […]